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100 most active keywords in RankPulse database
The following table lists the top 100 keyword in terms of average rank movement. An 'average rank movement' score of 6, for example, means that the top ten sites shuffle positions an average of 6 spots each day. If the website in position #1 switched with the website in position #4 from one day to the next, that would represent a rank movement of 6 because 3+3=6. The values listed below are average daily movements, so keywords with values over 10 are considered to be very active. Please note that we track the results of 1,000 keywords.
keyword average rank activity
event 3.7055
advertisement 3.2611
check 3.2112
cpus 3.1602
single 3.1389
mobile phone 2.8372
notebooks 2.8304
manage 2.7826
nfl 2.7550
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dvd players 2.6404
televisions 2.6347
free plans 2.6108
consultation 2.6077
company 2.5934
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home finance 2.5887
bedding 2.5871
cheap flight 2.5840
free downloads 2.5565
dvd player 2.5549
email forward 2.5248
legality 2.5216
office 2.5193
modems 2.5157
collectable 2.5107
desktops 2.4949
affiliates 2.4772
banner 2.4593
property 2.4541
shops 2.4468
cheap ticket 2.4317
classmates 2.4283
shared host 2.4283
estate agents 2.4260
home financing 2.4218
secured loan 2.4200
antivirus 2.4101
christmas card 2.4055
brazilian 2.4036
download music 2.4029
child 2.3914
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equipment 2.3743
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america 2.3737
radios 2.3727
tvs 2.3673
boot 2.3641
golfing 2.3587
humorous 2.3537
routers 2.3459
poster 2.3441
cartridges 2.3244
bathroom 2.3212
irs 2.3142
nascar 2.3075
canadian 2.2973
laser 2.2947
it job 2.2945
promotions 2.2895
computer game 2.2880
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logo 2.2825
phones 2.2810
banking 2.2784
dj 2.2755
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free money 2.2698
automobiles 2.2578
papers 2.2521
companies 2.2430
last minute 2.2420
party 2.2378
ringtones 2.2290
bowl 2.2285
cctv 2.2277
monitors 2.2261
stocking 2.2238
bankrupt 2.2214
house for sale 2.2204
modem 2.2186
dvds 2.2129
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online casinos 2.1975
french 2.1955
properties 2.1949
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clubs 2.1913
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florists 2.1838
cd 2.1825
button 2.1773
laptops 2.1728
accommodations 2.1721

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